www.enablemytrip.com - Enable My Trip

A Directory of Accessible Holidays
and Travel Services


Vehicle Rental and Hire
Paris (Head Office), Île-de-France, 75018

See Phone Number
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Driver Adapted Controls In CarsDriver Adapted Controls In CarsMax Four Wheelchairs In Large VansMax Four Wheelchairs In Large VansMax One Wheelchair In Mpvs And Small VansVehicle Lift Or Ramp In Mpvs And Small VansSwing Out Seat In Mpvs And Small Vans

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Contact Information

Phone Number
See Phone Number
48 Rue René Clair
Paris (Head Office), Île-de-France, 75018

Organisation Detail

Year Established

About Wheeliz

Wheeliz is the first website to provide peer-to-peer wheelchair user adapted car rentals. Finding a vehicle equipped with a ramp or a car with an adapted driver's system is now possible, throughout France and at minimal cost! Created in 2015, the website offers individual owners of an adapted car the possibility of renting it directly to a wheelchair user who needs it. Website

With Wheeliz you'll have access to the largest fleet of vehicles adapted for disabled travelers, and all at the lowest rates.

Wheeliz was selected as the best social innovation project by the European Commission and has won multiple awards including the APAJH Trophy, the Moovjee Civic Engagement trophy, the Reporters of Hope Prize, the Startup & Handicap prize for their favorite project, the Handi-Entrepreneur trophy, and more.

Wheeliz Service Categories

    Please Note

    As Enable My Trip is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation we rely solely on donations and fund raising to keep our services truly free for users and providers. We are not a travel agent or trip organiser; You will need to contact the provider(s) directly to make reservations.

    We strive to ensure that the details we publish on our website are as accurate as possible. If you learn of further information of interest to other users of our website then please get in touch. Please use our 'Personal Profile' form when making enquiries to accommodation providers. It has been designed to minimise any service failures on their part.