www.enablemytrip.com - Enable My Trip

A Directory of Accessible Holidays
and Travel Services

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Support Services Results - London, England, United Kingdom

Function Ability

We work with people with a variety of physical difficulties, such as people with amputations, wheelchair users, physical diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy as well as temporary loss of physical function due to illness or operations (such as joint replacement). These physical challenges may affect your ability to perform tasks independently. As Occupational Therapists, independence of our clients is most important and we strive to assist in achieving as much independence for our clients as possible.

London, England, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom

Disability Horizons

Disability Horizons magazine is an online disability lifestyle publication that aims to give disabled people a voice.  Founded by two disabled guys in 2011, Disability Horizons publishes articles on a wide variety of topics, all to support the aim of a world where disabled people live exactly as they choose to. You can sign up for our newsletter to get all our articles...

London, England, EC1V 2PY, United Kingdom

Muscular Dystrophy UK

When you have a muscle-wasting condition – or are assisting someone who has – it’s vital to have access to the right information and advice. We’re here to help you get the support and care you need, wherever you live. Whether you want to know more about a condition or about the practicalities of living with a muscle-wasting conditions, we’re...

London, England, SE1 0BU, United Kingdom


We're a charity transforming vacant hotel rooms into vital breaks for full-time unpaid carers.. We know how challenging it can be to care for someone. A couple of days away with a partner or a friend can work wonders. It may seem like a small thing but it can make a huge difference. Who can get a break? To be eligible you need to be over 18 years of age and provide more than 30 hours of unpaid care per week.

Changing Places

The Changing Places Consortium launched its campaign in 2006 on behalf of the over 1/4 of a million people who cannot use standard accessible toilets. This includes people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, as well as older people. To use the toilet in safety and comfort, many people need to...

London, England, SE1 0BU, United Kingdom

All Clear Travel Insurance

** Full Details are currently being assessed and checked - please 'View Details ' to access current information including the link to 'Visit Website' **

London, England, EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom

Family Holiday Association

For over 40 years, the Family Holiday Association has provided breaks for UK families struggling with issues such as disability, severe and sudden illness, bereavement, mental health issues and domestic violence. The charity was founded on the belief that holidays are a lifeline, not a luxury , and this is a key principle that survives to this day. The majority of families...

London, England, SE1 2NE, United Kingdom

Disability Days

** Full Details are currently being assessed and checked - please 'View Details ' to access current information including the link to 'Visit Website' **

London, England, SE1 9DR, United Kingdom

Council for Disabled Children

The Council for Disabled Children is part of the National Children’s Bureau family. We are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector with a membership of over 300 voluntary and community organisations and an active network of practitioners that spans education, health and social care. 

London, England, E8 3PN, United Kingdom

Carers UK

Our loved ones are living longer with illness or disability, and more and more of us are looking after them. Whether round-the-clock or for a few hours a week, in our own home or for someone at the other end of a motorway – caring can have a huge effect on us, our lives and our plans. Caring is such an important part of life. It’s simply part of being...

London, England, SE1 4LX, United Kingdom

Carrie-Ann Lightley

I love to travel, to the next town or somewhere far away.  I’m an organiser, a planner, and a list maker.  Researching new places to go is what I love to do, and it was part of my role as Information Service Manager at Tourism for All for 13 years.  In 2018 I started a new job, as Marketing Manager at AccessAble , the UK's leading provider...

London, England, EC1V 2PY, United Kingdom

MS Society UK

Whether you have MS, or care about someone who does, our community is here for you through the highs, lows and everything in between. We understand what life’s like with MS. And we know together we are stronger. We’re researching, writing, campaigning and fighting. Running, walking, caring and talking. Together, we are strong enough to stop MS. ...

London, England, NW2 6ND, United Kingdom

Friendili (Haiku Labs Ltd)

A message from Jessica Barker, Founder & App Developer: "Throughout our journey, I’ve spoken to hundreds of families facing health and disability challenges, from autism and ADHD, to chronic fatigue, mental health challenges and more. The common theme among the people I’ve spoken to was feeling like no-one understands – and they need...

London, England, EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom