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A Directory of Accessible Holidays
and Travel Services

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Accessible Travel & Holidays Results - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Muscular Dystrophy Association USA

Families are at the heart of MDA's mission. We wake up every morning to create more hope and answers for families living with muscular dystrophy and related diseases that take away physical strength and mobility. We do this by finding research breakthroughs across diseases, caring for kids and adults from day one and empowering families with services and support in hometowns...

Chicago, Illinois, 60601, United States

Chicagoland Mobility Services

Chicagoland Mobility Services, Ltd. provides services to meet a variety of automotive mobility needs. Whether you need to rent a wheelchair accessible van, install adaptive equipment to your current vehicle, or are looking to purchase a new or used wheelchair accessible van, we’ve got you covered!

Chicago, Illinois, 60623, United States