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A Directory of Accessible Holidays
and Travel Services

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Accessible Travel & Holidays Results - New York, New York, United States

International Disability Alliance

Our Vision A society which values diversity, respects equality and realizes the full potential of persons with disabilities in order to build a better world for all. Our Mission To advance the human rights of persons with disabilities as a united voice of organisations of persons with disabilities utilizing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with...

New York, New York, 10017, United States

Disabled World (USA)

Disability will affect the lives of everyone during their life, it is time society changed to acknowledge this. The primary focus of Disabled World is to provide information via our disability, health, medical, assistive products news, and information we receive from worldwide disability organisations, governments, educational institutions, and our own in-house articles...

New York, New York, United States

Accessible NYC

The five boroughs feature a wealth of exciting and accessible destinations. Find restaurants, attractions and sports arenas with accommodations that meet your needs.

New York, New York, 10019, United States

Shelburne Hotel & Suites

The newly renovated Shelburne Hotel and Suites by Affinia is located in the heart of the Murray Hill neighborhood, at the center of an iconic city, illuminating what living the urban lifestyle is truly about. Stay steps from Grand Central Station, The Empire State Building and all of your most sought after New York City destinations. Rooms & Suites Guest...

New York, New York, 10016, United States

I Love New York - Accessible Guide

New York City is full of accessible attractions that are ready to welcome visitors of all abilities, from world-class museums to hidden gems that you’ve got to see to believe they’re in New York. From navigating public transportation to picking an accessible place to eat, let this be your guide to a New York that is welcoming to all.

New York, New York, United States